Monday, June 22, 2009

"weekend" runs

I'm on vacation with my family in Delaware, and so have been thrown off my usual long-slow-Saturday recovery-Sunday pattern. Nonetheless, I overcame this adversity.

Yesterday, headed out for 14, which ended up being my longest run yet. It was long. It was slow. It was even a little boring. Since I figured I'd get lost otherwise, I did seven-out, seven-back on Route One, a flat and mostly straight four-lane highway with a pleasantly wide bike lane. There were plenty of advantages to such a situation. The flatness was one of them: my hometown is (marginally, supposedly) known for its seven hills, and where I went to college, the only flat neighborhoods should be assiduously avoided by lightweight vulnerable-looking female solo runners. The scenery, at least to the left, was nice. The beautiful tailwind for the first seven miles helped me astonish myself at my continually unelevated heart rate.

Oh, yeah, the tailwind. Just so happens that on an out-and-back course, the tailwind becomes not so desirable on the second half. After turning, I scoffed at my moronicity, picked it up, and commenced my LSD game of last resort: playing A-my-name-is-Alice-and-I-like-artichokes with myself. I only got to G, but it got me through the worst of the mental slough.

Then came my pseudo-Sunday recovery -- during which I generally, and rather self-consciously, try to "reclaim the joy of running" -- just kidding there, I swear. But I do try to make it fun. Like a carnival. I listen to music, I keep whatever pace I want, I fartlek based on the beat, sing along a little, insert a few dance steps, head-bang it, count the number of cars who swerve thanks to my antics, etc.  So I did the prescribed 45 minutes of that, and was just turning into our rented house when I met my dad coming out for his run. Accordingly, I joined him for another 25. It wasn't exactly kosher, but -- hey, flexibility, right?

And I will spend another halcyon day tomorrow fighting with my siblings and nursing sun- and sand-burn (those Atlantic waves really churn you up). Best wishes to my non-existent readership.


  1. Hey there. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog! Good luck with those siblings. :)

  2. Your readership is up by one! Your writing is good. I can tell because I have no interests in running but still enjoy reading your posts. I hope your other readers don't find that offensive.
